My involvement in the painting were in the year l999 at the age of 5l years was sporadic, the interest to be devoted to this discipline has always been. However, the responsibility as a mother made me momentarily forget the passion and only dedicated full time to my family, accompanied by some craft workshops to break the daily routine of a hostess. When I was fully my role as educator of my children and see them become professionals, I felt it was time to fulfill my dream and make inroads in the particular painting in oils in two painters known shops in the area. At first my idea was to learn in basic oil painting and thus be able to decorate my home with some of my modest works, as well, leaving me worried for immortality a small taste of my time this land, works that attempted to put in the hands of my loved ones and I remember, through this beautiful work is art. When I started painting I realized I had some resources to develop in this area, hallucinated only paint landscapes and seascapes, always supported by the work of other painters. However, I had to stop several times for health reasons, workshops and started working alone at home trying to play the faces of some images that came to my hands, especially of ethnic groups and people of color who I greatly admire. After 6 months I reintegrated to the shops and the portraits drawn in oil pastel and others, showed them to my teachers and were well received despite having some flaws I now recognize. These are currently on this site. I sincerely believe that most of my work I have done practically alone and self-taught, as though attending workshops, more time working at home and only took them work for their respective corrections rarely existed.
In view of this situation, I decided to attend my 58 years, once approved as a regular student at the School of Fine Arts in Viña del Mar (Chile) in which the 4th course. year Master of Arts, parallel with this course some semesters at the university where they acquire a lot of theory but more importantly, from my point of view, is not only acquire knowledge but premium above all things, a lot of practice and perseverance achieve a good result in the Arts. For this reason, despite passing all classes in college, I decided stay only with the Fine Arts
In terms of exposures I had some when I was in the respective workshops and also a couple of solo shows in which I have received very good reviews to proceed. I was a long way to go but I have every interest in the world to do and want to perform despite the short time you may have. In any event I really enjoy sharing with young people in this field because I injected all his energy to go through each day more.